Nikki Haley will never stop “massaging her message to the moment.” She learned that prevaricating tactic from trump; perhaps she has improved upon it. It gives me chills to think of a 5-year term limit on government employees. In a large employment atmosphere, the older employees train the new ones. There are no formal training programs for the intricacies of arcane government ritual. In order for the government to run as smoothly as possible, the old heads need to remain; and this means well over five years. God help us!
Not only that but recruitment of talented people, especially those will family obligations, would become impossible. How would you get someone to relocate to D.C. (or elsewhere) for a job that terminates in 5 years? A job where you'll have no future and no chance of rising through the ranks? Where citizens and businesses are constantly having to re-introduce themselves to new people? Where highly skilled and knowledgable people in jobs that require specialized skills or knowegable such as language experts, scientist or engineers will never consider a government job because of the churn and they'll be forced to hire people without the appropriate skills? It would destroy the government and make it completely non-functional — especially if combined with Trump-style advocacy for eliminating civil service and making every job a political appointment. We've seen here in Ohio how term limits have destroyed our legislature. This is one of the worst ideas I've heard. She's learned a lot from Trump.
One thing about Haley I'd like to add I the midst of the media's excitement over a "different" kind of candidate and the titillating narrative that the GOP could be the first to elect a woman president: no, media. N. O. Not happening. The GOP base is dedicated to Trump largely because he represents their core value: white MALE supremacy. As one Trump supporter told me last week "I don't agree with him on everything but he's strong. He won't back down." As in "He's a man." There's a vast swath of GOP voters who just won't vote for a woman, and without Trump, they'll stay home.
An excellent distillation and listing of what "Still Too Far Republican to the Right- Haley" is essentially against, Mr. Jacob, which we as members of your choir have no desire to compromise about. Nice piece.
Opposition to term limits on the basis that it takes years to develop competence seems to be another way of saying that every new appointee is incompetent.
“massaging her message” means campaigning. In modern democracies, where voting is a universal right instead of an earned privilege, people are elected less on careful analysis of any platform and more on "I like Ike," an intuitive sense of what they would actually do.
Signing a bill prohibiting abortion after six weeks would be a terrible mistake, in my opinion. But what if it is a mistake made by the majority of that state's voters? Vilifying it as "the tyranny of the majority," is just sweet-talking-authoritarianism. Ironic, under the circumstances.
I understand that you are working to sway the undecided. Speaking for myself, Trump scares me, and despite his achievements in the first term, I would not vote for him at this point. But I would be proud to vote for Haley.
Is “massaging the message” the new term used for “alternative facts” ?
Nikki Haley will never stop “massaging her message to the moment.” She learned that prevaricating tactic from trump; perhaps she has improved upon it. It gives me chills to think of a 5-year term limit on government employees. In a large employment atmosphere, the older employees train the new ones. There are no formal training programs for the intricacies of arcane government ritual. In order for the government to run as smoothly as possible, the old heads need to remain; and this means well over five years. God help us!
Not only that but recruitment of talented people, especially those will family obligations, would become impossible. How would you get someone to relocate to D.C. (or elsewhere) for a job that terminates in 5 years? A job where you'll have no future and no chance of rising through the ranks? Where citizens and businesses are constantly having to re-introduce themselves to new people? Where highly skilled and knowledgable people in jobs that require specialized skills or knowegable such as language experts, scientist or engineers will never consider a government job because of the churn and they'll be forced to hire people without the appropriate skills? It would destroy the government and make it completely non-functional — especially if combined with Trump-style advocacy for eliminating civil service and making every job a political appointment. We've seen here in Ohio how term limits have destroyed our legislature. This is one of the worst ideas I've heard. She's learned a lot from Trump.
One thing about Haley I'd like to add I the midst of the media's excitement over a "different" kind of candidate and the titillating narrative that the GOP could be the first to elect a woman president: no, media. N. O. Not happening. The GOP base is dedicated to Trump largely because he represents their core value: white MALE supremacy. As one Trump supporter told me last week "I don't agree with him on everything but he's strong. He won't back down." As in "He's a man." There's a vast swath of GOP voters who just won't vote for a woman, and without Trump, they'll stay home.
An excellent distillation and listing of what "Still Too Far Republican to the Right- Haley" is essentially against, Mr. Jacob, which we as members of your choir have no desire to compromise about. Nice piece.
Opposition to term limits on the basis that it takes years to develop competence seems to be another way of saying that every new appointee is incompetent.
“massaging her message” means campaigning. In modern democracies, where voting is a universal right instead of an earned privilege, people are elected less on careful analysis of any platform and more on "I like Ike," an intuitive sense of what they would actually do.
Signing a bill prohibiting abortion after six weeks would be a terrible mistake, in my opinion. But what if it is a mistake made by the majority of that state's voters? Vilifying it as "the tyranny of the majority," is just sweet-talking-authoritarianism. Ironic, under the circumstances.
I understand that you are working to sway the undecided. Speaking for myself, Trump scares me, and despite his achievements in the first term, I would not vote for him at this point. But I would be proud to vote for Haley.
I still can't believe this is happening.
Haley's very good at massaging the message. Just
look at how mainstream media has fallen under her
adept fingers.