May 6Liked by Mark Jacob

There are plenty of construction companies that trusted TraitorTrump. They were hired by him, did 100% of the work he hired them to do, and then refused to pay them, claiming their work was not adequate. Many of them were small businesses that his failure to pay forced them out of business. The middle class has been decimated by his “tax cuts” because they only favor the ultra rich. He needs to be in prison, not the White House. LOCK HIM UP!

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May 6Liked by Mark Jacob

Trump “jokes” about these things the way a creep husband “jokes” about having a threesome with the neighbor.

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Spot on. Which is why allowing propaganda from Fox News, OAN, etc. to masquerade as "news" is so dangerous. 40% of the country eats fake news from the right for breakfast.

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That static is terrifying😬 I've watched people saying they want Trump as a dictator. They obviously don't understand that, they too, will be crushed under Trump's authoritarian boot. Their minds will break when Trump comes for their guns, then takes away their Social Security, their disability assistance, their Medicare, their SNAP benefits, etc. They think Trump will only hurt the people they and Trump hate. What they don't grasp is that Trump hates them too.

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On one hand, I don't get it either. On the other, I'm pretty sure that most Trump supporters, even the ones like Bill Barr who claim to be above the MAGA mob, are voting for straight white Christian supremacy. They thought that and "democracy" were the same thing until those people of color and women and gay/lesbian people and people with disabilities (etc.) started demanding and getting rights. Then they thought "Whoa! That's not what the founders had in mind!" (Need I say they don't have a clue what the founders had in mind.) So when Trump says stuff like "If you don't fight back, you're not going to have a country anymore," they know exactly what he means. All they need to know about Trump is that he's pushing for straight white Christian supremacy.

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The founders OWNED PEOPLE. The founders were wealthy LORDS. Only property owners could vote. Women weren't considered people and POC were considered less than human. They designed the government with anti democratic institutions: The electoral college, SCOTUS, and the Senate. All allow for tyranny of the MINORITY.

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May 6Liked by Mark Jacob

Their willful ignorance conveniently keeps them (in their MAGA minds) removed from any obvious implications that they are as racist, hateful, arrogant, xenophobic, misogynistic, vacuous, etc, etc..as he is. Look at all the whining they do that "woke" people are attacking them for being racist, xenophobic, etc. It's childish and pathological at its worst and a defiant, petulant act of denial in the least. Search though I have, I cannot find any 'solution' for that like reasoning or logic or (gasp, the horror!!) facts. They just dig deeper. It's like sticking one's head in the sand and refusing to see the light of day, and that's a very dangerous place for an estimated one-third of our population to be.

How to break through that? Anyone?

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Exactly. The willful ignorance of the trump tribe has befuddled most of us from the start. The psychological reasons for this have been much analyzed, from cognitive dissonance to inability to admit you might be wrong on an emotional issue, to basic surrender to charisma (which trump undoubtedly has in the most dreadful way) to simple surrender to the fear trump continually blasts out about "Others" which now seem to include a middle of the road, religious believer, president.

What we have to keep in mind are:

1. The true cult isn't close to a majority of Americans

2. Not all Republicans are in the cult (though the GOP leadership panders to the cult relentlessly) and more and more are peeling away or at least feeling doubts--in particular what I call "legacy Republicans" whose family has always voted for the party.

3. We can't trust the polls, which besides being often flawed, are quite possibly reflecting only the mood on a particular day of many respondents. Even an executive at 528 stated that for some polls they only reached "weirdos."

Besides "getting out the vote" (difficult in the bluest part of a blue state with an 84% turnout in 2020) we can only keep asking folks if they agree with each part of the agenda of Project 2025. Not "do you think trump was serious about calling Biden "Gestapo" but "do you agree that Biden is acting like the Gestapo."

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Your title here “The less people know, the more they like Trump” is so true of my East coast family. My family there are all devout Catholics, honest, and kind.

They watch Conservative networks, FOX Tucker etc etc and believe it all. I think some people might wrongly assume that Conservative Network is synonymous with Christian values. They don’t believe they are being lied to.

We had a calm set of discussions recently including me send a Jan 6 Committe video link of Jan 6 they said they hadn’t seen. They did not see the January 6th Hearings. And they don’t want to read anything that may raise questions about their indoctrinated Conservative Media beliefs. It’s heartbreaking. 💔

I keep sharing this because I keep thinking we can find a solution to curb those who abuse Freedom of Speech with lies. Someone Somewhere?

I am glad I tried

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There is not just one reason why gop voters believe what they do, and not enough space here to say them. I dont claim to all of them, but i know of a few and thats bad enough. I dont think repeating the truth to them is the fix. If they were interested in truth they'd know it already. The problem is not that the truth cant be found.

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Very good content. I do disagree with the title and sub-heading. When you write "less people know, the more they like Trump', that is a conclusion that is overreached and will turn off readers. Similarly, "finding ignorance in intentional ignorance' is a tone and judgment that will turn others to stop reading and miss learning from Jacob's insight. Uncertainty, how people get their news, discouragement among many demographics, and lack of knowledge all play a role and benefit Trump, along with how Trump supporters and leaders use social media much more successfully and others should learn. Social media, which rewards the use of headlines, especially, sensational headlines, benefits those who only want small news tidbits. Also, Trump opponents tend to speak much more in the abstract --even concerns that I share, like the future of democracy is at risk, are far more abstract than rent increases or cost of living.

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I am on a group that is progressive. While they don't like Trump they also don't like Biden either. Mainly over Gaza and that he is going along with the antisemitism act that was passed. I belive he was in favor of the recent extension of the 702 Fisa amendment

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I'm active in a local Israel-Palestine support group. I've been disgusted by U.S. Middle East policy for decades. I believe that the Bush administration's push for "regime change" in Iraq removed the most effective block against Iran's hegemony and cleared the way for Iran to support Hezbollah, Hamas, and other anti-state actors ever more generously.

Some members of my group are aware of all this. About half are Jewish and have spent time in Israel. Others just started paying attention to the Middle East within the last decade or two. They tend to be the ones who say they're not going to vote for Biden-Harris in November. My self-appointed task for the next few months is to persuade them to rethink their position: put a clothespin on your nose if you have to, but if you care about workers' rights, civil rights, women's rights, climate change and environmental justice, a sustainable economy, etc., etc., etc., sitting this one out is a bad idea.

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