The abject FAILURES by Corporate Media can not be overstated

If we lose American democracy there will be 2 reasons

1- A Republican Party that has abandoned all democratic ideals & embraced fascism to keep power

2- A MSM owned by GOP billionaires who are willing accomplices

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May 15Liked by Mark Jacob

Where are the adults in the playground? When a schoolyard bully aggressively and repeatedly insults other students and urges his gang to assault them, that bully would be hauled away to the Principal's office, and, if the behavior is repeated on a continual basis, expelled.

Why, then, is Trump allowed to get away with insults and statements that are clearly designed to rile up his supporters and incite them towards violence? The assault on the Capitol on January 6th is proof, if any were needed, of this deranged individual's intentions.

So where are the responsible adults in the Justice Department? Why hasn't Trump been arrested and locked up pending trial? Yes, I know, the so-called "Supreme Court" is debating whether a President has total immunity. But, face it, that proposition is utter nonsense as any first grader would tell you. Besides, Trump is not President now and needs to be held to account immediately.

Or are the adults simply going to stand by and watch while the schoolyard bully tears down the entire establishment?

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Bullies can smell cowardice, and they've smelled plenty in the GOP and the news media.

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Alas, Mark, cowardice, ignorance and selfishness are rampant, while honor, wisdom and integrity are nonexistent.

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May 15Liked by Mark Jacob

Sleazy Donnie began his presidency with an enormous crowd size lie, and will end his political career, and possibly his freedom, with crowd size lies.

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Gentlemen, Thanks I look forward to Media Misses every week. I would be interested if anyone from the Associated Press comments on this or provided any reasons why this story was distributed with such obvious errors. I hope this does not signal a lowering of standards at the AP.

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Some AP reports are quite good. This was a failure on a breaking story over the weekend, which always gets less scrutiny. I have heard no response from AP to our criticism.

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May 15Liked by Mark Jacob

Years ago, as a reporter for the NY Daily News, we always knew that AP wire reports were automatically riddled with errors. Every fact had to be checked because AP reporters called in their stories from the field, absent any confirmation of names and facts. And these errors are repeated by the truly sloppy copy writers at the networks.

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Is the media's coverage kind of like the lampoon type cartoons that run above the fold, large font headlines, like" 5 Iowans feared lost in Pacific earthquake', with the story mentioning tens of millions of lives lost in largest earthquake in earth's history.

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I smell a corporate / funding correlation. There will come a time, perhaps it's here, when ordinary people and journalists can establish the requisite 'standing' to sue for disinformation. The damage Fox, OAN, ect., has caused to our experiment is incalculable; the damage from sloppy reporting (like non-coverage of Hannibal Lecter) is worse, like death from a thousand paper cuts.

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I urge all of my fellow citizens to take a long hard look at the news media they are consuming to formulate an opinion and of course make decisions. Put them to the test and see if they adhere to truth, logic and ethics for starters not just what might reinforce your biases which by the way should always be up for scrutiny. Democracy is the antidote to autocracy, totalitarians and fascism, injustices and corruption. Inoculate yourself against the Merchants of Malarkey everyday with TLE and don't sell yourself short bucko!

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Pretty much everything the media has done about Trump has been media malpractice. If they had done the job properly, Trump would have been a laughing stock or in prison instead of being treated as an ordinary Republican candidate in the 2016 election.

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Some people think they're informed because their main news source is Fox News. Fox has been skillful at herding viewers into silos and making them distrust other sources. It's NYT's fault when it screws up (which it does), but it's not NYT's fault when people ignore NYT and believe Fox instead.

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People who get their news from Fox News know less than nothing.

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Other blogs/substacks/online groups cover Mark's area of interest. However, his critique is unique.

How can one invite Mark to participate in other podcasts/zooms on these media issues?

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