Awesome.....I sure hope this catches on because it very hard to argue a point with the MAGA crowd when you can't explain how "they" are being manipulated with headlines, one-liners on Fox. What a great service your are providing.....

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Stop arguing with the MAGA crowd. There’s no point in it; you won’t change a single heart or mind. And while we’re at it, let’s all stop calling out their hypocrisy and blatant lies. They simply don’t care. They don’t care. They will self-immolate if Trump tells them to.

They see no contradiction, recognize no lies, believe in their hearts that whatever they can say or do in furtherance of trumps cause is good because it helps to bring in a new age. A new world. And to them: that’s worth any sacrifice, any objectionable act, any momentary twinge of conscience. Look who they are convinced they are battling: child- molesters, Satanists, a Dark State, an organization called ANTIFA so powerful that it can stage an assault on the United States Capitol and get a pliant news media to believe that honest peace loving trump supporters did it, etc. You are never going to convince them otherwise.

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I recently read - please don’t ask where; very possibly in a Substack article - that the NYT had abandoned the cause of saving our democracy and was firmly in bed with what it hopes will become the “new establishment” in Washington DC.

I would no more read the NYT than I would a resurgent edition of the Volkischer Beobachter - both newspapers being synonymous in my mind. So it’s not a surprise that those of us looking to the Paper of Record for guidance, courage and defense of the rule of law (and our ancient rights and liberties), have noticed with distressing regularity that the NYT has fallen down on the job, and become an equivocal lickspittle and helpmate of the far right. The famille Sulzberger, with its fingers to the wind have decided to throw the weight of their newspaper behind the far right loonies, cray cray’s and fanatics. We can expect nothing fair and balanced from this rag.

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Thank you so much for this! It's aggravating that all media is not screaming about the blatant plan to strangle democracy. Democracy is not dying in darkness, the plan and movement is right in front of us in broad daylight. Gratitude to you and any others who use their platform to call it out.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

“I know a lot of people get mad about what he said years ago about ‘grab them by whatever,’” said Treena Fortney, 51, a wholesaler from Covington, Ga., who voted for Mr. Biden in 2020 but now regrets it and is supporting Mr. Trump. “That was kind of aggravating. But, you know, that was years ago. And that’s how guys talk in a locker room. I don’t think he really would do that. I think he was just saying that.”

I can't believe anyone thinks like Treena. No wonder we're in so much trouble.

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Good segment. Political reporting has been flailing for far too long, taking the easy way by writing piffle such as the story you discussed.

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Thank you both for doing this and please keep doing it! I no longer subscribe to The NY Times so they won’t let me read the articles, but you’ve provided the headlines. I’m very disappointed in the written press and broadcast media, but what can we do? I hope you’ll discuss how we can all fight back and have an impact. Thanks.

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This is great, Mark and Steve, please keep calling out these kinds of media misses - and the unconscious biases that impact how stories are told with supposed objectivity. That’s what readers assume, but the way information is presented is easy to spin for emotional hits. The NYT has now become a successful multimedia platform, one designed to keep users on the site, clicking away at all those headlines, keeping us amused and entertained with Wordle while democracy goes up in flames. Oh well, I guess I don’t sound objective 😉

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The New York Times actively wants Trump back in the White House. There’s really no debating that at this point.

Let’s not forget that this is the paper that figured out that Trump inherited a huge fortune, pissed it away almost immediately, and has been dancing as fast as he can to appear rich ever since. It was a one-day story.

Their hopeless fop Peter Baker was the first to find out that Rudy Giuliani was headed to Ukraine to get fed disinformation by his Russian friends--literally the beginning of the process that resulted in Trump’s first impeachment--and his resulting story was “Ooo looks like bad news for Joe Biden.”

They will not stop doing this. They will never stop doing it. They haven’t learned from their mistakes of 2016 because they’re adamant that they didn’t make a single mistake. They think they did great.

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