“...a balanced treatment of an unbalanced phenomenon distorts reality.” I stumbled onto Ornstein’s and Mann’s book and op ed several years ago and think of it that constantly.

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Someone should send this to WaPo...

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Reached for comment, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung complained about the questions but did not answer them. Instead, he referred to President Biden, who has never been charged with a crime, as "crooked" and referred to Trump, who has been charged with 91 felonies and been found liable for fraud and sexual assault, as always having "stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution."

This really isn't that difficult, and the reporters in pretty much every other section of any newspaper would write it this way in a heartbeat. It's only the people who get paid astronomical sums of money to report on national politics who think they have an obligation NOT to tell people what is happening around them.

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Nicely done.

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Trust in legacy media continues to plummet on both sides of the political divide.

It's a self-inflicted wound that will grow, no matter the outcome in 2024.

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Trust has dropped much more dramatically among Republican voters because their disinformation sources are telling them to believe no outside media.

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Yes, it's far worse among Republican voters, but trust has plummeted from 75,% to 58% amongst Democrats (and falling faster among young Democrats) per October '23 Axios polling.

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Trust in the media is falling among Dems & Indys in part because of big disasters, like the perpetual crutch on failed polling - that piece of garbage from the NYTimes is just the latest example of that. It's also failing because of countless small failures, like the paragraph you noted, Mark.

Every time anyone in the news media chases worthless "shiny objects" at the expense of legitimate framing, explanations, and language, some of those with honest intentions of being informed lose a bit more faith in the media, while those with the intent to confuse & spread disinformation are strengthened in their efforts.

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And this is why print media has declined in the past decade.

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Well, the disappearance of ad revenue had something to do with it too!

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That's true, Marc but look what's happening at WaPo.

They are going to lay off a

major bunch of reporting staff. Their digital news

has fallen off the scale.

This is their own report

on problems and why they

just hired a new chief who

was with, of all places, the

Wall Street Journal.

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Too true: "..balanced treatment of an unbalanced phenomenon distorts reality.”. The consequences are severe. I ask who benefits from distorted reality - the answer is not a particular party, per se. This balanced treatment does not affect all causes or groups equally, ironically enough. Certain groups or causes benefit from the twisting of reality, which then leads to the public growing more cynical and distrustful of media. Steve Bannon and his ilk only reinforce this distrust. Today, we see many groups, not only Bannon, that hold views, resembling authoritarianism. "Fair', textbook coverage of the news is not in Steve Bannon's manual for the new America.

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