Apr 15Liked by Mark Jacob

This absolutely NAILS it! The press is too weak and timid for the times we are in. Trump team is full of serial liars most explicitly their dear leader. Every quote should absolutely begin with his past history of lying. Until the press stops this both sides, we have to show a lack of bias BS, the American people lose. Thank you for putting this out there…honestly!

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Apr 15Liked by Mark Jacob

#2 is the most insidious one: These people have woken up every morning for the past NINE YEARS terrified that THIS is the day Trump will pull off the mask and reveal that he’s actually a smart, well-read guy who has been thinking deeply about policy all along.

As for #3, “Asked to square his assertion with the fact that Trump has explicitly called for ‘suspending’ the Constitution, Cheung did not respond” would take care of it. I do think we should let them have their say; it’s in the insistence that they should have their say unchallenged that wealthy celebrity journalists are failing their (stated) mission.

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PV: You are so right about #2 and especially #3!!! I really do like the few times I hear a reporter/journalist say "~but you haven't answered my question."

And an extra bonus of saying what you suggested for #3, is that if djt sees/hears the quote that so-and-so did not respond, djt will crap all over that so-and-so!! Hah, hah, hah!!

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Thanks. This certainly covers the situation. As for the politicians, they have made a decision to embrace politics aka $$$ over principles. In my mind, all of this loops back to Citizens United, a byproduct that and various other factors that have eroded our faith in our government, our judicial system and social structure. Now is a good time to remind all decent citizens that still have a firm grasp of their sensibilities to continue to search out independent media, writers that apply moral force to their work and champion truth, logic and ethics. I view it as an antidote to the psychological warfare invading the grey matter of our fellow citizens. Is there such a thing that we as a society just need to have some self-respect and grow up, mature? Please continue sir!

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Liked by Mark Jacob

Citizens United is part of the problem but it doesn’t explain this happening at NPR:

“ editorial leaders were encouraged to make sure that any coverage of a Trump lie was matched with a story about a lie from Hillary Clinton. Another colleague asked what to do if one candidate just lied more than the other. Another silent response.”

“The Real Story Behind NPR’s Current Problems:

Yes, the broadcaster is a mess. But “wokeness” isn’t the issue.:



The article is a response to Uri Berliner accusing NPR of being “too woke”

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Amazing list.

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Yes except it's a double standard. They seem perfectly comfortable challenging, nit-picking and criticizing Democrats IMHO.

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They call that "balanced coverage."

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Apr 15Liked by Mark Jacob

It seems that most legacy media reporters haven’t learned ANYTHING since 2015.

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I look to journalists to report that "the king (or queen) wears no clothes". And given the flood of social media, journalists will need to repeat on multiple platforms to successfully compete with the constant waves of information., especially misinformation. Politicians have their message boards and will repeat daily their lies and obsfucations. Jan. 6 is the most dramatic example of how large groups of Americans have changed their views on Jan. 6, due to social media's constant claims that Jan. 6 was a picnic.

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Apr 15Liked by Mark Jacob

Over 3 decades ago, I worked on a national syndicated news show where the executive producer admonished us that our job was not to be a "truth squad", and that our stories choices were not because they were important but that they were "interesting." Yeah, it was a short-lived crappy show based on a crappy newspaper, but the EP's attitude toward the news seems to have overtaken most newsrooms.

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Apr 15Liked by Mark Jacob

Well said, once again. From your pen to the media establishment's ears! Thank you.

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Apr 15Liked by Mark Jacob

I still yell at the moderators of Sunday morning political shows, but I know there have to be agreements with the guests being "interviewed" that they get to spew their talking points ad nauseum. After all, media is at the mercy of their advertisers - offend someone, and there goes your revenue.

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I have to say that George Stephanopolous nailed his interview with John Sununu. I didn’t think Snuffy had that kind of toughness in him.

george stephanopolous john sununu

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That's Chris Sununu, John's son. But good point.

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He’s so much like his dad despite his nice guy pretense that I forgot he had a different name . 😊

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Excellent article! Thank you 😊

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Great post. But isn’t there a simple reason reporters print the lies? Media owners believe Trump term 2 would be good for their business, because during Trump’s term media businesses did very well.

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I don't think front-line journalists are thinking about media owners every day as they go about their jobs.

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A djt term 2 would be good for comedians and SNL too, but you don't hear them ignoring or making excuses for his lies!!

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That’s a factor, but not a full explanation. The post includes other factors influencing reporters.

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Thank you Mark.

I did not know if anyone in the media still felt this way.

I watch the coverage that Mr trump gets at his criminal trial in NY and wonder why all the media provide him a platform. He has nothing interesting to say - he just stands and delivers are torrent of self-obsessed lies and they cover it.

The other day, he turned up with a bunch of printouts and began to read them out and offered commentary. And that makes the news. Why? What makes that newsworthy?

Imagine if most of the media didn't show up to his rants?

Or even better, when he starts lying about the justice system and judge, they turn and walk away?

What effect would that have on him?

He only has the power over them, because they cede it to him.

Mr trump has every right to publicly claim he is not guilty etc.

But he has no right to tear down the justice system and attack those working in the system with lies.

His behavior is reprehensible and it should not be condoned.

Statements like, "every legal scholar has said this case is political persecution" should either not be reported or quoted, fact checked and easily dismissed as garbage.

If trump wants to claim that this is "Biden's DOJ persecuting him" - then let him prove it before publishing it. As you say, he has lost the "benefit of the doubt" argument by lying so much. So let him put forward something that supports this allegation.

I understand why some elements of the media are just trump's mouthpiece, but other mainstream media are doing a terrible job of holding political candidates to account for their statements.

At this point, the fire hose of falsehoods employed by Russia is working in US politics and it is harming democracy by disenfranchising voters.

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Journalists often bend over backwards to bothsides the lying issue. In the early 2000s Democrats accused Republicans of voting to “end Medicare”. They had voted to privatize Medicare by replacing its fee for service, single payer system with vouchers for seniors to purchase insurance on the private market. Politifact named the Democrats’ claim the “Lie of the Year”, a wild exaggeration.


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